Minimal effort - optimal combustion Aduro's patent pending automatic control device Aduro-tronic is a simple and handy feature, which automatically regulates combustion air for you and ensures that the primary air is set at the correct pace. You just need to place dry wood in the stove and activate the automatic device. It will manage the rest, leaving you to enjoy the flames and the benefits of efficient combustion. Aduro-tronic functions mechanically without the use of electricity. If required, the Aduro-tronic can be set to manual mode to ensure that under special conditions, and when burning different types of fuel, you can continue to use your stove.
Improved fuel economy and combustion Aduro-tronic is designed to maintain a bed of hot embers for as long as possible, meaning longer intervals between stoking up. For a wood burning stove to work at its best, the air intake has to be regulated several times within the first few minutes of each firing. Incorrect air volume can result in faster combustion, soot on the glass and increased pollution. Optimum regulation is often neglected, as there are so many other things to see to around the house. The Aduro-tronic control takes care of regulation, allowing you to concentrate on other things. This means considerable savings for you
All Aduro stoves have the Aduro-tronic device installed.